Paris is known to be one of the fashion capitals of the world. The People in Paris are extremely forward in what they ware. Only in Paris will you see a woman who has mastered waring a tight short skirt, wearing stilettos and are able to walk on cobble stones with out any faults. Neutral colors are key in paris, if you come from a place where bright colors and patterns are "whats in" then subdue it. Ware black, its the color that the locals live in. Leave your hoodies and matching sweat outfits at home, you have to forget about leisure ware. The bottom line is to dress your age, you will be rewarded by getting better treatment everywhere in Paris. Its also a good idea to make a statment with scarves and accesories. Where only comfortable shoes, paris is with out a doubt the worst place to break in your new pair of shoes. Jeans are more then just "ok" to ware, however it was only 5 years ago that teenages were the only ones wareing jeans on the streets of paris. now, denim is the bigest growing trend through out Paris. But before you throw your favorite pair of jeans in your bag, just know that the most warn type of jeans is black or dark skinny jeans paired with ether boots or flats. When in Paris you never have to make extra time to put on your make up or fix your hair. Woman prefer the natural look along with the men thus make up sales in Paris are basically none existent. Paris is a place where not only do fashion trends start but they are revitalized. Fashion week in Paris gathers people from all corners to see what the "hot" new styles will be. From dresses to tank tops Paris hold the most unique trends and styles. Never has Paris let the world down by being the leader in the world of fashion.
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